
Help shape Australia’s plan to get to 30 by 30

Right now the government is seeking your feedback on protecting 30% of Australia’s land by 2030 (30by30).  It’s important your voice is heard because their own 30by30 plan has a major gap – no funding!

Add your voice by sending a submission using this form. Let’s ensure nature gets the funding it desperately needs.   

Less than 0.1% of our tax dollars go to protecting nature in Australia. And it shows! 

  • Australia leads the world in mammal extinctions   
  • Every day, cats kill more than 6 million native animals in Australia 
  • 19 of our ecosystems are showing signs of collapse.   

Unless the federal government steps up and starts funding nature properly, the health of our big, beautiful country will continue to decline.  

Protecting at least 30% of Australia is critical to ensure people and wildlife have a secure future. It also means more parks to enjoy, thriving landscapes, and jobs and tourism for regional communities.  

But the government must hear from you! It’s important they know Australians support more funding for nature.

Submissions close 19 July, so please act today. 

Have your say before 19 July