
TELL YOUR MP: Nature needs a fair go

Right now, less than 0.1% of your tax dollars go towards protecting nature in Australia. It’s not nearly enough, and it’s showing:

  • Australia leads the world in mammal extinctions
  • 1 in 5 Australian mammals are threatened and declining
  • 17 of our ecosystems are showing signs of collapse

A fair go for nature – at least 1% of the budget – would be transformative. It would give our precious landscapes and wildlife a fighting chance.

Australia has the people, the skills and the science to solve the environmental problems we face. We have great programs already in place or ready to go – they just need more funding!

But unless our elected representatives hear loud and clear from us, it won’t happen.

Send your local federal Member of Parliament a quick message now. Ask for a fair go for nature!

Write to your federal Member of parliament today

How your letter will make a difference

Our elected officials need to hear from the Australian community that we want more funding for nature protection.

When you look at the impact of healthy nature on our economy and quality of life, investing just 1% for nature is a no brainer.

Our decision makers to hear from you to make it a priority!

How we can achieve 30 by 30

We have the tools, the know-how and the willingness to save nature in Australia. But shockingly, environment funding has had no major increases for more than a decade. This is despite increased threats like catastrophic bushfires, more invasive species and continuing habitat loss.

1% for nature would be transformative. It means a future where we still hear the Aussie birdsong, where we maintain our way of life, and where iconic animals like koalas and platypus are bouncing back in numbers.

Let’s ensure nature has a fair go. Please take urgent action by emailing your MP today. It’s a small ask for our big and beautiful country.